Horse Transport
The Instone Air team are highly experienced in arranging international air transport for all equines. Whether for racing, polo, competition, breeding or simply re location, we can help transport your horses anywhere in the world. We offer regular scheduled service flights and charter flights depending on suitability and availability.
We have years of experience co-ordinating high profile flights for events such as The Breeder’s Cup, The Saudi Cup and the World Equestrian Games and working with many of the worlds leading bloodstock agencies.
Horses are mostly flown in our world-renowned ‘Airstable’ horse stalls, ensuring that they are safely contained whilst onboard and during transfer to and from the aircraft. An experienced team of grooms and loadmasters are always on hand to assist during the on/off loading process and throughout the flight to ensure that horses remain as calm and comfortable as possible.
Horse Scheduled Services
Depending on suitability and availability, we use regular scheduled cargo carriers for equine flights. Over the years we have developed excellent working relationships with leading cargo carriers to ensure we can give our clients access to hundreds of scheduled services at competitive rates.
Once a scheduled service booking is confirmed, Airstables will be allocated to the shipment. Each stall is checked by our service department to ensure it is in good condition, as well as being cleaned and disinfected before each use.
On most flights an InstoneAir representative is on hand to assist with the loading of the horses and operation of the container.
Please contact us for quotes and schedules.

Horse Charters
We can arrange horse charter flights for larger shipments and those clients with more specific route requirements. We also have access to small charter aircraft which is useful for horses travelling throughout Europe for racing and competition.
Once a charter is booked, a set procedure is followed to ensure all requirements are carried out and logistics are co-ordinated to avoid any delays or problems. Your horses welfare is our number one priority and we leave no detail to chance.