We operate our own manufacturing premises, where we are able to construct a range of Airstables, livestock penning systems and crates as well as other aircraft equipment such as dolly ramps. We employ a team of skilled engineers who work on prototypes through to full production.
All equipment is manufactured to comply with Aeronautical regulations and all designs comply with IATA animal welfare and veterinary conditions.
The company holds CAA part 21G Production Approval and also EASA ETSO certifications for certain Airstable models.
Our design department is constantly updating and improving the Airstable designs to incorporate additional features and make use of new materials and technology.
Various design options are available for each model and an airline’s specific requirements can be incorporated into any design.
The company employs structural, stress, aeronautical and design engineers for continual research and development. The use of CAD and FEM computer systems assist with product design, development and analysis, as well as the suitability of using new lighter composites.
Instone Air holds CAA 21G Production Approval and ADOA Design Approval.

Airworthiness approvals
Designed and manufactured in the UK, the Instone Air horse containers comply with CAA, EASA and FAA Regulations.
Instone Air holds 21G Manufacturing Approval, Part 145 Maintenance Approval and ADOA Design Approval.
In addition, the containers are approved or comply with regulations issued by Government Veterinary Authorities and welfare organisations including ATA, AFCD (Hong Kong), AQIS/DAFF (Australia), DEFRA (UK), IATA, USDA (USA).